Black Princess-Wall Painting (mural)-Gupta Vakataka Period (2nd century AD to 6th century AD)

Title : Black Princess
Medium : Wall Painting (mural)
Date : Gupta Vakataka Period (2nd century AD to 6th century AD)
Finding Site : Ajanta
Size : 20 ft x 6 ft (Approx)
Artist : Unknown


The caves of Ajanta are situated near Aurangabad district in Maharastra. The caves
are named after the nearby village Ajintha. The caves, including the unfinished one,
are thirty in number. 
Some of the caves served as the Chaityas (worshipping places)
and most of them were Viharas (Monasteries). Ajanta paintings were done in two
phases – first, the Hinayana phase (where Lord Buddha is represented in symbols) and the second, the Mahayana phase (where he is shown in human form).

Most of the Ajanta paintings were done in the Vakataka Period. Ajanta paintings
occupy a unique position in the history of Indian painting. Ajanta paintings are not
done in Fresco. 
Fresco is a technique, where colours are mixed with water soluble
binders and painted on either dry or wet plaster. But Ajanta artists have used
traditional technique oftempera. 
The themes of Ajanta paintings were primarily
religious in nature. But at the same time they also gave enough scope to the artists
to show their creative and imaginative skills. The best part is that, even being religious paintings, they can be enjoyed by common people. 
Black Princess is, no
doubt, one of the best examples of the Ajanta paintings. The free flowing line,
subtle rhythm of the body contour, the slight tilt of the face and the carves of the
eyes, all show the mastery of the artist and his control over the brush. 
Even the
damaged painting gives a clear picture of how beautiful the colours were. There is
a lyrical quality in the painting. The softness of the body contour, subtle bending of
the neck and the simplicity give an heavenly quality to the painting. 
The colours
used have been very earthly and devoid of any loudness
Author: unknown
History of art in India 
To be continue
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